14 Days to go!

This time in two weeks Donna and I, after having spent the morning in Johannesburg, will be sitting on the plane, seatbelts fastened and getting ready to roll down the runway, heading to Dar-es-Salaam!

I have about 3 million, 436 hundred thousand things still to do. I work best under pressure ~ no time to panic, YET!

David, our friend, is flying to Tanzania as we speak and on Sunday he will begin his climb up Kilimanjaro with his daughters. I am so excited for him! Have the best, most amazing, incredible journey David and a successful summit for all ~ Dons and I can’t wait to hear all about it when you are back!

After the best week ever, graduating on Wednesday and then receiving some amazing news yesterday afternoon, after just missing the volunteer intake a year ago for the Reach For A Dream Foundation, I have been on a year-long waiting list for the next intake and just recently I went for my interview and I am happy to report back that I was successfully selected for their Volunteer Programme! I am over-the-moon happy! Not only has it been a week of my dreams coming true, but now I get to help kids realise their dreams too! Happy. Happy. Happy.

To excited to type anything of much substance today so have a ridiculously fabulous weekend all!

14 Days to go!!!