Dreams Do Come True!

A dear friend of mine, who currently lives in another country, sent me this incredible video about the bucket list of little 4-year-old boy who lives in Kenya. It is the most heartwarming and inspiring video and it brought tears to my eyes and had me grinning from ear to ear at the same time.

I think there is nothing better in life than watching someone’s dreams come true.

Never give up on believing in your dreams.

No matter how far away they may seem…

As you know,

I believe anything is possible!

P.S. In case you are wondering, I really am out in the Paarl mountain hiking for the weekend, playing in the snow and rolling in the mud and hoping that I still have a smile on my face because its going to be COLD! This post has been scheduled to go off at a selected day and time so think of me out in the mountains as you read this from your warm and cozy home!

Pics and tales of our adventures in the mountain will be posted ext week!

My Ultimate Vision

Updated: The link I put in via my phone on Friday before I left for the mountains wasn’t working and was only showing the comments, I have fixed the problem and the video is now showing if you would like to hear and watch my vision.

For me there is nothing more freeing and beautiful than walking on a mountain. My soul is set free and the peacefulness that surrounds me, the beauty of nature, the air that I breathe is all-encompassing. Maybe it’s because it brings me that little bit closer to heaven and those I’ve lost. Maybe it quietens my mind when I step away from the rat race, cellphones, emails and computers. As I walk, I dream, I imagine and I breathe.

Those of you who have come to know me know that I am passionate about finding a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. I am only but one person and although sometimes I feel like I can’t really do much, I know that I can talk, I can share and I can never stop looking at any avenue that comes my way.

This week was no different.

After a horrible start to my week, a friend in such perfect timing, emailed me something about a competition that Ray-Ban is currently having.

It is a competition to share with world your vision.

What is your passion.

What makes you alive.

This was right up my alley!

Time was short as they are choosing a winner on Saturday, 31 August. But that didn’t deter me as from the minute I read the email, I jumped straight into action. I could have submitted something straight away, a photo of my choice and a little piece in fewer than 200 words about what my vision is, or if I wanted to get a little bit more creative, I could submit a video. Instantly, my mind was running with ideas. I have never done anything small in my life and when I set my mind to something I go out there and do. This was no different.

“Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.” ~ Bradley Whitford

I immediately approached someone I work with to see if he could help me make a little video show casing my absolute vision.

I love climbing mountains, the higher the better and I have a passion to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. My absolute inspiration behind living my life and doing what I do, is my best friend, Emma Walker who passed on in 1998. I still miss her every single day, but she will always live on through me and it is because of her that I will do what I can to help those living with CF and it is my absolute dream that one day, while I am still alive, we will find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis.

If you would like to watch my video entry, please click on the following link and press play. (I’m doing this from my phone so I really hope the link works) and I hope you like what you see. Please feel free to share it with your friends and help me spread the word to the world. The competition closes tomorrow (Saturday, 31 August) so fingers crossed.


I do not know if I will win, or how I am going to get where I am going, but that doesn’t matter for I will always keep taking a step closer and closer to what I believe in ~ my dreams!

No dream is impossible.

I want to represent an idea.

I want to represent possibilities.

You have got to be hungry.

You have got to be unstoppable and unreasonable.

You have got to want more.

And you have got to refuse to live life just as it is.

Even if nobody else sees it.

See it for yourself.

Take that first step.

It is up to you.

~ A big heartfelt thank you to Marcus Russel, my amazing colleague, who selflessly gave up his personal time to help me record this, who edited it and put it all together, making it the amazing video that it is. It has turned out even better than I envisioned and I could never have done it without you! No matter where this takes me, it still takes me another step forward and in the end that is what matters. ~

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