Breaking Free

Longing for the mountain and to feel the earth push beneath my hiking boots, I have finally hit the last four weeks until my studying and my exams as I know it are all over – forever. It’s been a long 8-year journey covering two degrees part-time.

Luckily for me, I live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world that boasts of both mountain and sea and when I can’t go to the mountain, I can still head to the sea.

Late on Sunday morning, with the best company by my side, we headed out into the sunshine and the cool sea breeze to stroll barefoot along the cool sea sand, dip our toes in the water and fill the lungs with the fresh sea air.  After many late nights and early morning starts covering hours upon hours of studying, it was exactly the time-out I needed.



After walking for a while we stopped at an area called Small Bay and just sat watching the waves crash and the kids splashing around in the water. The photo above of the large wooden cross on the rocks, which has been there ever since I can remember and probably long before I ever came into this world, was erected in memory of Heather Bam who drowned off the point in 1911.



Further down the beach we came across some kids all in wetsuits and going through some exercise/training with the lifeguards. It was so amazing to watch these little kids having fun out in the open, doing something outdoors instead of sitting in front of the TV all day long. That’s how childhood should be lived, outdoors!





It all ended far too soon and it was hard to go back to the confines of my study after the most amazing time out but the moments I got were worth more than gold and with a gentle nudge I remind myself in less than 4 weeks it will all be over and so worth it. Less than four weeks to go and counting till it will be the final curtain call and with pens down for the very last time, I will have done it! Realised another almost life long big dream…

I, for one, can’t wait!!

 ~ All Photos By Me ~

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